
The Lord’s Prayer is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Lord’s Prayer is the most recited, most memorized, and most studied text in the Bible. This prayer of Jesus, found in two versions in Matthew and Luke, has been extolled for its simplicity and beauty, for its reflection of “real life,” and for its vision of the consummated kingdom. It also contains several conundrums: what does it mean to “hallow” the Father’s name? What relationship does our...

When it comes to Israel’s theological understanding of the Fatherhood of God, there are two key points to make, and both of these will be relevant to the context of the Gospels and Jesus’ turning to God as Father. First, Israel considered itself a “son” adopted by God, and this adoptive grace was especially associated with the exodus from Egypt where they were freed from slavery. In Exodus 4:22–23 Moses is instructed by God to tell Pharaoh, “Thus says the LORD: Israel is my firstborn son. I said
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